
スペイン内戦の写真家Agustí Centelles
スペイン内戦の写真家と言えば、大半の人はまずキャパ(Robert Capa 1913–1954)の名前を思い浮かべることだろうと思います。しかしカタルーニャの写真家アグスティ・センテーリャス(Agustí Centelles 1909-1985)は、撮影した写真の量においてもまたその質においても、キャパに勝るとも劣らない内戦の記録を残した人でした。
Centellesは1909年にバレンシアで生まれ2歳の頃にバルセローナに移っています。家計を助けるため11歳で働き始め、学校に通ったのは一年ぐらい、あとは全て独学の人でした。子供の頃から写真に興味を持ち、新聞社のグラビア印刷部門でしばらく働いたあと、18歳でバルセローナの報道写真家Jopsep Badosaに弟子入りして写真家としての腕を磨きます。そして25歳(1934年)の時、分割払いで買ったライカ一台を手に報道写真家として独立しました。
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La Fábrica社出版のスペイン写真家叢書(Biblioteca PhotoBolsillo, Madrid, 2006)の第15巻で、Centellesの主な作品が紹介されていますが、その表紙に使われている写真が彼の代表作のひとつです。
これは1936年7月19日にバルセローナ市内のDiputación通りで撮ったものとされていますが、共和国政府に対しクーデターを企てたフランコ派の反乱軍兵士を相手に、倒れた軍馬を盾に銃撃戦を展開している突撃警察隊員(guardia de asalto)の写真です。この日Centellesはライカを手に終日バルセローナ市内を駆けめぐり、反乱軍の決起から降伏までの激動の一日を記録しています。


1937年から1938年初めにかけて、北はアラゴン州のピレネー地方から南はテルエルまで、各地の戦闘に従軍したCentellesは、バルセローナに呼び戻され、1938年4月付けで防諜組織の軍事情報局(SIM)所属の写真室長に就任します。実際にどんな業務だったのか詳しいことは分りませんが、のちにフランスに亡命しBramの強制収容所で書きとめた日記を中心とする『ある写真家の日記』(Diario de un fotógrafo, Ediciones Península, Barcelona, 2009)の中で、当時の状況に少し触れています。それから推測すると、フランス亡命に至るまでのバルセローナでの10ヶ月間は、街に出て報道写真を撮るよりも、むしろ内向きの仕事が多かったようです。

1939年1月26日のバルセロナ陥落の前日、Centellesは妻と1歳半の長男を父親に託し、写真機材と数千枚にのぼる内戦のネガフィルムを入れた旅行カバンを抱えてフランス亡命の旅に出ます。40万人を越える避難民が殺到して大混乱の国境をやっとの思いで通り抜けましたが、すぐフランス官憲の手で悪名高いアルジュレス(Argèles-sur-Mer)の強制収容所に送りこまれてしまいました。そして一ヵ月後の3月初め、アルジュレスからさらに120キロぐらい内陸に入ったオード県ブラム町(Bram, Aude)の強制収容所に移されます。
Bramは中世の城壁都市として有名なCarcassonneから20キロぐらい西にあり、そこに新設された強制収容所には15,000人から17,000人ぐらいのスペイン人亡命者が収容されました。新設とは言っても、一戸あたり100人を収容する25m x 6mサイズの木造宿舎170戸を、鉄条網で囲んだだけのもので、暴動などを警戒してのことでしょうが、宿舎は15戸(収容者1500人)ごとに鉄条網で区切られ、お互いの行き来には制限があったようです。床に藁を敷いたものがベッド代わりで、暖房はむろんのこと電気もなく、写真で見ると宿舎というよりまるで大きな馬小屋という感じです。
またスペイン政府の後押しでCentelles国際報道写真賞を創設する構想もある由で、「スペインのキャパ」ではなく、「スペインの報道写真家、Agustí Centelles」が、世界に知られる時代が来ることを期待します。
Agustí Centelles - Spanish photographer called Robert Capa of Spain
Agustí Centelles(1909-1985),a Spanish photographer famous for his photos of the Spanish civil war(1936-39),is often called ''Robert Capa of Spain''.
The Spanish press reported in early December that the Spanish Ministry of Culture had agreed to buy the Centelles’s entire collection of 10,000 photos, mostly of the Spanish civil war era, from the family at 700,000 euros.
According the press some members of the Cataluña’s autonomous government (Generalitat) have bitterly criticized the decision of the Centelles family for selling the photo collection to the Spanish central government alleging it’s a cultural heritage of Cataluña. The family reportedly responded to it saying that the Generalitat had 25 years, if they had really wanted to acquire it indicating also that the Generalitat had ignored the family’s plea of assistance in the past for safeguarding of the collection.
Agustí Centelles was born in Valencia in 1909 but moved to Barcelona at 2. He started the career as professional photographer at 18 as an assistant to Josep Badosa, a popular photographer at the time in Barcelona. In 1934 at the age of 25 Centelles started on his own with a Leica which he had bought on installments. He was one of the first Spanish photographers who used Leica when the majority of professionals were relying on large format cameras.
The Leica camera which was developed by Leitz in 1925 has changed the way of taking photos. Robert Capa and Agustí Centelles proved that a small and versatile 35 mm film camera (‘’like a toy’’ for some traditional press people) could make brilliant photos of the war.
On July 19, 1936, the day of failed military coup in Barcelona, Centelles took the famous photo of 3 militias in urban police uniform(Guardia de Asalto) who were exchanging fire with the rebels with dead horses used as barricade.
As a free-lance war photographer he then followed militia groups, mostly anarchists from Cataluña,who went to the Aragon front to fight against rebel forces led by general Franco. In 1937 Centelles was drafted by the republican government and was handed a Leica instead of a gun. As a military photographer he witnessed, sometimes risking his life, many battles and miseries of the civil war. One of his master pieces is the woman crying in front of the dead husband, casualty of the air-raid in Lerida city.
On January 25, 1939, the previous day of taking Barcelona by Franco’s forces, Centelles chose to go on exile to France leaving his family in Barcelona. He carried with him a small suite case filled with thousands of negatives of the war. He was one of those over 400,000 refugees who tried to escape to France during the two weeks after the fall of Barcelona. He managed to cross the border in chaotic situation but was detained by French police and was sent to the concentration camp established by French government, first in Argèles-sur-Mer, and a month later in Bram near Carcassonne.
We know how hard the life was at the camp through his diary(‘’A diary of a photographer, Bram 1939’’ ) which was published in Catalan and Spanish. Centelles comments in the diary that the French government treated Spanish exiles as if they were criminals. There was no electricity nor heating and the food was poor at the Bram camp for 15,000 exiles, which was considered to be a ‘’model’’ camp by the French government.
Fortunately for Centelles, in September 1939 he found a job at a photo studio in Carcassonne whose owner had been drafted by the French government. Centelles became a free man after 6 months of internment. But the freedom did not last too long. In June 1940 France was occupied by Nazi Germany and the French resistance movement started. Centelles collaborated with the resistance setting up a secret photo lab in the basement of the studio and made forged IDs for resistance members.
In January, 1944 GESTAPO arrested hundreds of members of resistance in Carcassonne including some of the best friends of Centelles who were sent to Nazi’s concentration camp. In view of possible persecution by GESTAPO Centelles decided to return to Barcelona risking the arrest by Spanish police.
In April, 1944 Centelles entrusted the suite case of his negatives to the care of the landlord in Carcassonne from whom he had rented the house and secretly returned to Barcelona. After joining the family he moved to the town of Reus(Tarragona province) where he had relatives and worked as a baker.
In 1947 Centelles turned himself to the police and moved to Barcelona. No criminal charges were laid on him, however Centelles was denied to work as a photojournalist, his specialty. Only choice for a 38 year old ex-photojournalist was to work as a commercial-industrial photographer which he did in the rest of his life.
In 1976 when the transition to democracy started in Spain one year after the death of Franco, Centelles went to Carcassonne and recovered his negatives. However, the attitude of majority of the Spanish people those days was; ‘’not to dig the past, try to forget the painfull memories of the civil war and reach the reconciliation’’. As a consequence the negatives which Centelles had made risking his life and kept as a treasure, did not receive the due attention from the public. It was a disappointment for Centelles and his family. He died in Barcelona in December,1985 at the age of 76.
A series of expositions of his work have been organized in Spain and in France as well. Currently an exposition is on going at the town of Bram as commemoration of 70th anniversary of the end of Spanish civil war and the start of internment of Spanish exiles. With the acquisition of the collection by the Spanish Cultural Ministry the public access to the Centelles’s work is expected to be improved and better organized including future expositions in those countries as USA where Centelles still remains mostly unknown.