

Walkman物語(2) ZX300Nobunaga Labsのバランス・ケーブル 

 Nobunaga Labsの「Kagemitsu S」をShure 846につないでみた。(‘’Kagemitsu-S’’ Balanced Cable for Shure 846)

(for summary in English please see the end of this page)

(ZX300 & Nobunaga Labs Balanced Cable ''Kagemitsu-S'' on Shure SE846)

私はタッチパネル方式の操作が苦手な上に、Walkmanで聴くのは1950-60年代のクラシック音楽が主体なので、もともと音源の質に限界があることなども考慮すれば、価格・使い勝手・音質の総合評価では、ボタン操作のWalkman ZX100がベストだと考えていた。そして在庫が無くなる前にと、ZX1002台目を買ったりもした。

 Walkman ZX300はなかなか評判のいい製品だが、タッチパネル操作のほかに、なじみのないバランス・ケーブルが必要というのも、手をだしかねる理由のひとつだった。とくにバランス・ケーブルはピンからキリまでいろいろあって選択に迷うし、手持ちのShure SE846との相性などなど、いろいろ疑問も生じ「めんどうなものには手を出せないな」というのが本音で、私のWalkman遍歴もZX100で終わりかな、と考えていた。

 しかし、新製品のニュースについつい目が行くのが人情というもので、昨年秋にWalkmanについていろいろGoogle検索をしていたとき、「Nobunaga Labs製バランス・ケーブル景光S(Kagemitsu-S) (製品番号NLP-KGM-S)」というのが目にとまった。

Amazon Japanで探したら、値段はあまり高くなさそうだしShure SE846との相性がいい、とのユーザー評価もいくつか目についたので、「ひとつ試してみようかな」という気持ちになった。

 バランス・ケーブルが何とかなりそうな感じになったので、中古美品というふれこみのZX300とあわせ、Amazonでちょっと衝動的な買い物ではあったが、「注文確認」のボタンを押した。ケーブルの価格は¥11,573プラス 1,232 (カナダまでの郵送料)。昨年9月下旬にオーダーしてから、通関を含め1週間足らずで届いた。

 Shure SE846の取り扱い説明書には、ケーブル取り換えについての説明があり、それを参考にしたら簡単に交換できた。すぐWalkman ZX300につないで試聴を始めたが、バランス接続の音は意外にもZX100とあまり変わらない、いささか期待外れのものだった。




使い始めていま100時間ぐらいすぎたところだが、Sony MUC-M12SBのユーザー評価に見受けられる「MMCX接続部分が緩めで外れやすい」などの品質上の問題も起きず、順調に稼働している。さいきん買ってよかった製品のひとつ。

 Nobunaga Labsは、電機機器製品の専門商社「ワイズテック」(本社東京)の取り扱いブランドのひとつで、2016年ころから交換用ヘッドフォンケーブルの製造販売を始めたものらしい。2017年時点でのネット上の製品評価には、あまり芳しくないものも見受けられるが、現行のKagemitsu-Sに関して悪い評価は見当たらない。

なお旧製品で「Kagemitsu景光(かげみつ)(製品番号NLP-KGM)というのがあったらしいが、現行製品Kagemitsu-S (NLP-KGM-S)との違いに関して、同社のWeb siteには何ら記載なく詳細は不明。Nobunaga LabsFacebookには「Sシリーズは銀メッキコネクタ製品」との記載あり(Jan 29, 2019付け)。ということは、新旧製品の差は、コネクター部分の銀メッキの有無だけなのかも知れぬ。なおeBayにも日本からのオッファーが出ているが、値段はAmazon Japanの倍くらいする。



(Nobunaga Labs製品一覧)






Summarey in English

Kagemitsu-S(NLP-KGM-S) Balanced Cable for Shure 846

I’ve been a fan of button operated Sony Walkman, especially ZX100, because I am not good at touch screen operation. Also on my Walkman I mainly listen to classical music from the 1950s and 1960s. It means that the quality of the sound source shows some limitation. I thought that the button-operated ZX100 was the best for me in terms of price, usability, and sound quality. I even bought a second ZX100 unit before they would run out of stock.

The Sony Walkman ZX300 is a popular product, but the need for an unfamiliar balanced cable in addition to touch panel operation made me hesitant to upgrade to ZX300. However, when I did a Google search for the Walkman last fall, "Nobunaga Labs Balanced Cable Kagemitsu-S" caught my eye. At searching on Amazon Japan I found the price didn't seem to be too high, and the user's evaluation was favorable. Also it was stated to be compatible with the Shure SE846. I thought I should give it a try.

I ordered the Kagemitsu-S cable together with a good quality used ZX300 which was on offer. It was a bit of an impulsive purchase on Amazon. The cost of the cable was: Cable at ¥ 11,573(US$110 approx.) plus ¥ 1,232 (US$12 approx.) for shipping charges. It took less than a week from ordering in late September to arrival including customs clearance. Amazon Japan’s delivery was quick.

Replacing the cable of the Shure SE846 was straight forward. But the sound of the balanced connection out of ZX300 was surprisingly similar to that of ZX100, which was disappointing.

Since the player itself is a used product, the so-called "break-in" must have been completed. This meant that it was a cable problem, and for a moment I wondered if this purchase was a mistake. Nevertheless, after about 50 hours of continuous listening for about an hour every day, the sound gradually became mellower and richer. In other words, what used to be the reproduction of recorded music has become a clearer sound that seemed as if a veil had been lifted, and the sound became closer to what you would actually hear in a concert hall. In terms of sound quality, the balance connection of ZX300 is certainly a significant upgrade over the ZX100.

The wire of the "Kagemitsu-S" is hard, and when you touch it, you can feel a rumbling sound, which might bother some people when they are moving around. However, the ZX300 is a bit heavy, and I don't think I'll be using it while walking around with it in my pocket.

It has just passed about 100 hours of use, and it's been running smoothly without any quality problems such as "the MMCX connection is loose and comes off easily," which can be seen in the user evaluation of the Sony MUC-M12SB. It's one of the best products I've bought in a while.

Nobunaga Labs is one of the brands handled by ‘’Wise Tech’’ (headquartered in Tokyo), a trading company specialized in electrical equipment products. They apparently started manufacturing and selling replacement headphone cables around 2016. As of 2017, some product reviews on the Internet were not so good, but I can't find any bad reviews on the current ‘’Kagemitsu-S’’.

It seems that there was an older product called "Kagemitsu" (NLP-KGM), but there is no information on the company's website about the differences between it and the current product "Kagemitsu-S" (NLP-KGM-S).

It is quoted on the company's Facebook that the S series is a silver-plated connector product(Jan 29, 2019). So there may not be much difference between the old and new product except for the use of silver-plated connector. There are offers from Japan on eBay, but the price is almost double of Amazon Japan.

I'm not a cable expert, nor have I compared the ZX300 with similar competitors' products, but I thought I'd write about my experience in case there are people like me who are hesitant to get their hands on the ZX300 because of the balanced cable.

For the specifications of "Kagemitsu S" (NLP-KGM-S) and compatibility with earphones of various manufacturers, please refer to the website of Wise Tech as follows.

 (Nobunaga Labs ‘’Kagemisu-S’’(NLP-KGM-S) product information)


(List of compatible head phones)
