サン・ミッシェル・ド・クシャ修道院(Abbey of Saint Michel de Cuxa)
(For the summary in English please see the end of this page)
教会(Church of Saint Michael)
修道院教会は、974年献堂の記録が残るプレロマネスク様式の建物だったが、ウリバ(Abad Oliba)修道院長の時代(11世紀前半)に大拡張工事がなされ、その姿を一新した。身廊30.5m天井の高さ14.4m、三廊形式の堂々たる教会である。
Photo(4)Bell tower
柱頭彫刻は合計63個あったが、うち36個が20世紀初頭に流出し、いまはニューヨークの*クロイスター美術館(The Cloister)にある。なお回廊を修復した際、トリビューンの柱頭彫刻8個を加え、合計35個の柱頭彫刻で再構成された。
(クロイスター美術館(The Cloister)については下記のBlog記事参照)
Photo(21) Man and Eagles(capital from the Tribune)
Photo(22)View of the Mount Canigó
一方で、カタルーニャ史の冒頭に必ず登場する、バルセロナ伯ギフレ(Guifré 840-897)を曾祖父に持つ出自が、ウリバがカタルーニャの宗教界でエリートの階段を駆け上がるための追い風になったことも、まちがいないであろう。11世紀のセルダーニャ伯の名前を記憶している人は少ないが、ウリバの名前は時代を越えて、歴史に刻み込まれているのである。
2)「ピレネーの南」と名付けたBlogで、しかも「スペイン・ロマネスクの旅」シリーズの中に南フランス・ルション地方のロマネスク教会を含める理由は、昨年12月の「スペインロマネスクの旅(18)(フノラールの聖マルティン教会 - Saint-Martin-de-Fenollar)」の記事で述べたが、この地方は17世紀半ばまでカタルーニャ領であり、ロマネスクの時代にはまさしくCataluña del Norte(北カタルーニャ)であった、という事情を勘案してのことである。
(Summary in Englsh)
Church of Saint Michael
The abbey church of Saint Michael had been a pre-Romanesque style building dedicated in 974, but it underwent a major expansion under the reign of Abbot Oliba during the first half of 11th century. It has a nave of 30.5 meters long with a ceiling 14.4 meters high.
Although the abbey kept a powerful place throughout the Middle Ages, the French Revolution led to the confiscation of the church property, and the building was left in disrepair, resulting in its temporary ruin. What we see today is a church that was restored in the 20th century.
Romanesque in Spain is an imported culture from north of the Pyrenees. The first came to Catalonia from northern Italy, particularly Lombardy, and the second from France via the pilgrimage route to Santiago.
At the time of expansion of the pre-Romanesque church Abbot Oliba brought skilled craftsmen from Lombardy to build the two huge bell towers, each 38 meters high, firsts in Catalonia. The north tower collapsed in the 19th century, and only the south tower remains.
Adoption of the Lombardian Romanesque style by the monastery of Cuxa in the early 11th century had a great influence on later Romanesque church architecture in Catalonia.
Underground Crypt This circular crypt, built around 1030, is called the "Chapel of the Manger," symbolizing the birthplace of Jesus. Many of the crypt in Catalonia are small but this circular crypt, with a diameter of 9 meters, seems big.
I was impressed by the elegant face of the small statue of Mary, which was placed gently on the wall of the apse.
This statue of Mary used to be in the church of
Corneilla de Conflent, but was returned to the church during the restoration
work in the 1950s.
According to the legend, during the French
Revolution, a woman of Corneilla de Conflent witnessed the statue being almost
thrown into the fire by revolutionaries and shouted, ‘’Oh, Mary! ‘’ The men thought
better of it and handed the statue of Mary to the woman.
Tribune There existed a tribune in Cuxa similar to the one in Serrabona Monastery. Unfortunately it was destroyed in the 16th century, but fragments of it, arch and some relieves are displayed at the door from the church to the cloister.
It is believed that the same workshop did the tribune of Cuxa who worked later at Serrabona. They first tested their skills at Cuxa and then left a great masterpiece at Serrabona. The eight capitals from the tribune survived and they were used at time of reconstruction of the cloister.
Cloister The cloister was built around 1130. In the photo(10) below, the left part which is next to the church is the south side (29m) and in front is the west side (38m) of the cloister. It makes a irregular quadrilateral。
Originally there were a total of 63 capitals, but 36
of them were sold in early 20th century and are now at The Cloister Museum in New York.
When the cloister was restored during 1950s, it was
reconstructed with a total of 35 capitals including eight from the tribune.
Abbot Oliba
When we talk about Romanesque in Catalonia, Abott Oliba (971-1046) is always mentioned. He was born in northern Catalonia as the third son of Oliba Cabrerta, Count of Cerdanya-Besalu. He entered the monastery of Santa Maria in Ripoll in 1002 at the age of 31. Later became the abbot in 1008, and at the same time assumed the abbot of Cuxa in 1009, and even bishop of Vic in 1018.
As abbot and bishop, he advanced monastic reform in Catalonia, which was started in Cluny. He also advanced building and renovating of many monasteries and churches. Abbot Oliba also promoted the "Truce of Peace with God" movement, thus playing a very important role in the religious and political world of Catalonia during the early part of the 11h century.