
 スペインロマネスクの旅(18)(フノラールの聖マルティン教会 - Saint-Martin-de-Fenollar)

(For the summary in English please see the end of this page.)



(Address of the church) Saint-Martin-de-Fenollar, 66480 Maureillas-las-Illas, France

写真(1) 教会東面の図(East view

フノラールの聖マルティン教会 (Saint-Martin-de-Fenollar)                                           



 それぞれ特徴のある小さな教会がいくつか点在するルション地方にあって、「知る人ぞ知る」的な存在らしく、ロマネスク教会の手引き書として有名な、Zodiaque社の’’la nuit des temps’’シリーズのひとつ、‘Roussillon Roman’’でも、サン・マルタン教会に一章を割き、ジャケットの写真にはその壁画を使っている。

写真(2) Zodiaque社のRoussillon Roman




すこし回り道をしたが、なんとかサンマルタン・ド・フラノール教会を探し当てることができた。教会の建物は10m x 4mくらいで、礼拝堂なみのサイズ。


写真(3) 教会全景(Saint-Martin-de-Fenollar, South View)


写真(4) 教会入口(Church entrance)

写真(5) 身廊部(祭壇方向の図)(Nave – view towards the altar)

壁画(Wall Painting)



 写真(6) 壁画(Wall Painting)

写真(7) 降誕祭(Nativity)

写真(8) 降誕祭(Nativity)拡大図(Close up)



 「大きな眼を光らせた激しい表情の聖母が、左手で頬を支えながら、茶色いかけ布をかけた粗末なベッドに横たわっている。その枕もとで、頬杖をついて何やら考え込んでいるのはヨセフだろう。右上方には、うまやらしいところに、これまた激しい表情をしたおさな子イエスが見える。。。。。。。貧しい農家での誕生の場面そのものだ。。。。(眼を楽しませるものも心を楽しませるものもない生活のなかで、来る日も来る日も働き、そして子供を生むような生活のなかで、彼らをこえた何かを見つめているように見えるのだ。この壁画から私が受けた感銘は、これだけに尽きるものではない。こんなふうに一見荒々しく激しいタッチで描かれ、色彩といっても、茶、褐色、黄褐色、灰色、白といった、ごくわずかな色彩しか用いられていないにもかかわらず、、子細に見ると、構成的にも色彩的にも、実に堅固でしかも精妙な統一が形作られている。。。」(『スペイン巡礼の道』p. 93-94)


写真(9) ヨハネの黙示録に登場する24人の長老たち(24 Elders)

写真(10) 教会内部(Church interior - West view)

写真(11) アプス(Apse - outside)

写真(12) 石の十字架(Stone carved Cross)


 補足) どこのロマネスク教会でも言えることだが、教会内は暗くて、8年前の私のカメラ(Fuji XE-1, Canon S100)では、画像ノイズ覚悟でISOをいっぱいにあげても、なかなか使い物になる写真が撮れなかったものである。



(Summary in English)

The Church of Saint-Martin-de Fenollar is a small, chapel like church in the Roussillon region of southern France. It is located about 15 km from the Spansh border, and it takes about 2 hours plus drive from Barcelona(180km)

The Roussillon region was part of Catalonia until the 17th century, and many people speak  Catalan. In Spain(especially in Catalonia) this part is called ''Northern Catalonia''. Because of this background, I decided to include Saint Martin de Fenollar as part of my "Spanish Romanesque Journey".

St. Martin's Church is famous for its unique and powerful wall paintings from the 12th century, but other than records that suggest the church was founded in the 9th century, there are not many documents left and the details are unknown. The church was originally built in the Visigothic Pre-Romanesque style.

In the Roussillon region, where there are several small churches each with its own characteristics, Saint Martin church seems to be well known to Romanesque lovers. One of the books among  ''la nuit des temps'' series (published by Zodiaque), famous guide books on Romanesque churches, ''Roussillon Roman'' devotes a chapter to the Saint Martin de Fenollar and uses its wall painting for the jacket as above Photo(2).

The entrance to the church is next to the center of the building, and as you walk down the short stone steps into the church, you will see the semicircular ceiling toward the altar on the right hand side which is painted in unique colors and with powerful brush strokes.

The 12th century wall paintings have been severely damaged especially when church building was once used as a farmer's storage after the French Revolution. 

It was in May 2013 when I visited this church guided by a friend in Barcelona. When we got lost on a country road with wheat fields all around, an old man who looked like a farmer passed by.  He replied in Catalan: "Are you from Barcelona? The church you're looking for is across the main street, and then you have to take a little detour to get there, but the road is so divided that it's hard to understand, so you have to ask someone again. I'd like to accompany you, but I'm in a hurry. '' Finally we made it.

There are many murals and wood carvings of the Virgin Mary exhibited at the National Museum of Catalonian Art in Barcelona, but I have never seen one with such a stern expression. Unless you are told that this is the scene of the birth of Christ, your natural reaction would be to wonder, "Who in the world is this old person in the bed?

The Virgin is lying on a poorly made bed with a brown drape, her large eyes glittering with a stern expression, her left hand supporting her cheek. At her bedside, with his cheek resting on his hand, is probably Joseph, pondering something. In the upper right corner, you can see the little child Jesus with a serious expression on his face. This is the scene of a birth in a poor farmhouse. In the midst of such a life (working day in and day out and producing children in a life where there is nothing to please the eye or the mind), they seem to be looking at something beyond this world. 

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